I wish these people [Herzog and star Nicholas Cage, presumably. Yes, Nicholas Cage. Eh?] die in hell. I hope they're all in the same streetcar and it blows up.To which Herzog responded,
I have no idea who Abel Ferrara is... I've never seen a film by him... Is he Italian? Is he French? Who is he?Hilarious! All of it!
The (Herzog) movie itself also sounds hilarious. I cannot wait. Look at that ridiculous cast. With crazy Werner directing them. Cannot wait!
man I love those back and forths. Don't want to waste that dissonance- streetcars blow up.. la la la. Is he French?- wow. yes, gosh just a big thank thank you- that just might be my goto for questions I won't answer. (and there are many, so perhaps not)
The full title of the remake has me a bit concerned frankly: Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans.
But... I just saw Herzog's Fitzcarraldo and I am pretty much obsessed with it. I don't want to ruin it, or go way out by myself, but the scale is beyond amazing, Kinski's little white suit, fermented saliva.. ok, i should stop.
Oh my GOD. I hate Herzog, I hate Nicholas Cage, i HATE HATE HATE Eva Mendaz. Its a perfect storm! I'm all for that street car thing....
Oh god, what!? AND denzel washington. Oh god, make it stop, it hurts!
ha ha! i CANNOT WAIT to make you watch this on my wedding day, J. my day! princess! lucky for you, it may never happen. but if it does.... *L
.....oh please please make her watch it in the ugliest dress we've ever seen, it's your day! ....something puce, tiered and ruffily. (but not me- k?)
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