Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Garden Tip #1

Apparently, I will do anything for a decent tomato crop. Even fertilize with my own urine, which according to Finnish scientists makes ..."a reasonably potent fertilizer..."
and made for equally tasty fruit. (with our without the wood ash)
Intriguing ... but I am not all that excited about storing my urine for six months prior to using it as a fertilizer, that could get awkward.



smear said...

The title of that article is perfect, but yes, the gross-out factor it mentions is an issue. Although I'm sure your urine would make those tomatoes taste delicious, there's something about this sentence that just doesn't settle itself right in my head...

Unknown said...

The love for using urine runs in K's family. Her dad's a big fan of using it (loaded into a squirt gun) to ward off bears. I wish we had emoticons on this thing. I would choose one that was laughing HYSTERICALLY while pointing. I love you K!

smear said...

hmm.. don't your mean "...laughing hysterically while peeing" (?)

Oddly, that didn't not come up at the black bear field study camp last year....