Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Finally: The tapeworm's moment in the sun!

This is just too hilarious to be true. Yet it is. And so close to your humble states, ladies. ;) j

Source: http://www.sos.wa.gov/elections/initiatives/people.aspx#1069

Assigned Number: 1069
Filed: 02/01/2010

Mr. James E. Vaughn

Public Contact Information:
14416 168th Street
Orting, WA 98360
Phone: 253-241-9634
Fax: 253-444-3820

Ballot Title
Statement of Subject: Initiative Measure No. 1069 concerns the state seal.

Concise Description: This measure would require the Washington State Seal to depict a tapeworm attached to a taxpayer’s intestine, encircled by the words: Committed to sucking the life blood out of each and every taxpayer.

Should this measure be enacted into law? Yes [ ] No [ ]

Ballot Measure Summary
This measure would require the Seal of the State of Washington to be changed to depict a vignette of a tapeworm dressed in a three piece suit attached to the lower intestine of a taxpayer shown as the central figure. The seal would be required to be encircled with the following words: “Committed to sucking the life blood out of each and every tax payer.” The illustration would be selected from submissions submitted by taxpayers.

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smear said...

Mm...so close, and yet so far from my state. And both hilarious and disturbing. People got some wacky ideas of how the world works... I don't love taxes either, but shit costs money, folks! *L

Unknown said...

My favorite aspect of this is that, should that proposal pass, millions of state dollars would be spent changing the seal on all sorts of signs. Brilliant. j

smear said...

ha! good point. then someone could propose another tapeworm (the people proposing this) sucking on this first tapeworm, etc. lovely. *L

smear said...

...did you see the Colorado initiative about establishing a UFO, er, an Extra Terrestrial Affairs Committee? k