Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Pulp Snail, .this just cracked me up....the name, the screaming colors, the love of fonts (seriously now), the double-take instructions, the snail being helpful up to the very end! Anything with death in the title has got to be good, no? I had to share.

My container garden is chugging along- basil, arugula that we're already eating and lots of inedible green tomatoes, early girl & bloody butcher. Hopefully I'll be posting pics of my bounty soon, but for now you can see the progress and send me good garden thoughts. k

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Dear Wholefoods, can you donate this.. a food pantry, shelter, to me?, or even chop it up then compost it? Seems kinda wastey.
I am not hungry anymore. k
Wholefoods dumpsta Sunday july 5 around 7pm..