Here ye, Here ye. My gardens as of now. Tomatoes and Peppers: -- not ready yet (enjoy the side view of the backyard with bowsers on the porch):
Herbs -- mostly check. My perennials oregano, chive and sage (to the left) are in full force as is this crazy parsley I planted LAST year. Maddness. The a basil i bought is ok, but all the dill, cilantro and basil seeds i planted aren't happy and i can't figure out why.
As for other foods -- the multi-colored swiss chard is OOC as are my lettuces. The Thai lettuce popped up on its own from seed that fell out last year! Its my champion. The beans got eaten by slugs, but i managed to salvage a few.
Ahh, Baltispore, you're bountiful bossom gives suckle to the hopeless in these pathetic times. j
amazing! and, in some cases, delicious!
Oh this looks so good; gardens are the best. I think there's a good story in the Hampden Halfwit & the grapvines....
I have a small amount of basil, which I just couldn't keep my mitts off of- I've made pesto 3x and basil beer bread once. I am now showing a little patience and made a little greenhouse (with saran wrap), and it's thriving again. I had added some new plants and they were not getting enough heat methinks. Maybe that will help you dill and cilantro? I'll try to find a pic of a more sophisticated version thAt got various seeds motivated in Brooklyn. k
ah, when searching for "teets" i came across this post :) your garden looks awesome! garden on!
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