I think I mentioned these to L (?) and I thought some fuzzy pictures would help to visualize the project. I made these tables while snow bound in December. In each the table legs or support are made from folded magazines. Not sure how obvious that is from the image.
I found the glass in the old flat's recycle room and toted it around for a year until I finally put it to use. Below is a broken guitar that got turned into a table; rather crudely too so I'll be re-doing this at some point. I couldn't keep Forrest away so that's him on the right giving the illusion of speed. It's not entirely level, but mostly so and the price was right; and looks great against the blue walls.
making nickels scream, k
you should become a contributor or editor or whatever at dwell. they claim to have all sorts of green, hip, cutting-edge cred (which i don't really think they do), so maybe you could spice it up over there. OR maybe you could start your own, better dwell-type thing. You AND laura could do it together. you guys would be so farking good at it. I'm dead serious. j
aw...thanks j, these were fun to make. I'll pay closer attention to the covers (that peek out) when i redo the guitar. now accepting shipments of broken guitars...send 'em to me.
it snowed here yesterday...ugh. I am ready for spring. k
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