My life is dragging me down. i am mentally, emotionally and even physically exhausted. I used to think the difficulty of a long distance relationship would be how much you miss the person. This is incorrect. It is the unbearable strain on your job, finances, other friendships, ability to travel for fun, private time and life in general. i would have a total breakdown if it were not for this:

This is not
my greater swiss mountain dog puppy, but one just like it will be arriving at my home some time between august and october, if all goes as planned. All i do all day at work is stare at photos of them. I want to eat its head! its the farking cutest thing ever. I wanna love it and smoosh it and teach it to pick klaes up and move him and teach him to growl at asa when he's in trouble (asa, not the dog. the dog will never be in trouble. i love him already!)
And the even better part is that he will grow into a 110-130 pound mellow, loving, work horse of a dog who can carry my stuff while hiking and plow my garden for me! I mean, look at how big and beautiful he is!

This is truly the only thing keeping me going. i love you little swissy! Just image what would happen if the puppies were covered with baby chicks! Oh my god, my head would pop off my body! j
holy crap. i already wrote one comment with lots of exclamation points, but blogger lost it. I WANT ONE SOOOOO BAD!!! so bad that i will immediately book a ticket to Baltimore once you narrow down the date. it would be nice to see you too, of course. but i am obsessed with puppies and big, slow, beautiful dogs. i want a dog the way other women want babies, i think. *l
The puppies on the top of your blog are from my Swissy breeder's site. I own the brother of that puppy. Swissys are the single greatest thing since sliced bread. My breeder's web site also has a new photo gallery of hundreds of Swissys she's bred and kept up with-
Love your puppy when you get it!
he's beautiful! I am excited for us, er, you. I love dogs obviously- got two. Sorry to hear life's got you down J. I heart you.
I've spent way too much time visiting adoptable pugs. Forrest is going to be 14 years in April...
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