Well, i finally found my way to a computer with sound and thus finally heard the yogurt post. I figured i should just create a new post, as the comment section of that one might not be viewed any more.
I have to say, as usual: Ich bin verwirt. All ads are aimed to target audiences. Watch daytime tv: its all cleaning and food and kids stuff w/ women in the ads. Watch manly programing (like football, which we all know i watch a lot of but am still not talking about due to the endless, burning heartache from last winter) and the beer and car ads are all aimed toward and about men. And, frankly, if i were a man i would find them way more offensive than this yogurt commercial. And really, it is women who buy this stuff more. And probably need it. Though, eating yogurt 5 days a week has not stopped the monthly 4 straight days i spend having diarrhea due to my stupid "womanly" problems. Thought maybe the cyber world would like to know about this...
I digress.
So, i ask, what is the anger directed towards? You mentioned the women in the ads, but if someone offered to pay me $30,000 to be in one of those ads (or any ad for that matter) i would run to the filming studio. Any money made from ads is more than likely thousands of dollars more than my yearly salary. Hell, I'd probably do it for a few thousand.
Is it the company? Because you really can't blame a corporation for wanting to get the most bang for its advertising buck by targeting ads to the most likely audience. Better corporate profits help society through dividends and the wealth-inducing flow of capital goods! Ya boyz!
Is it society? This makes a little more sense to me, but after 3 years of living in my neighborhood i find it shocking that our society isn't even more ignorant and dysfunctional than it already is. [Ooops! snob alert. Don't be hating. Move here first.]
Any how, i sincerely wasn't really sure what was upsetting, so i thought i'd start a little dialog. Much like that fun one we had about the emes chair. j