Sunday, April 20, 2008


The weekend's thrift-store shopping brought a rare and coveted find: a vintage leather knockoff Eames lounge chair with ottoman (not pictured) for $60. Plus $2 suitcase with spotless interior. Sean carried the chair on his head. Through the fields, in victory. *L


smear said...

Victory indeed. What a good find- yeah for you guys. I love this pic. It's as if he's fresh off the bus in wicked style.
*did I use it right, J?

smear said...

Well, you didn't exactly use it wrong, but real, proper Masshole usage of the word "wicked" involves it being followed by another adjective, rather than a noun. For instance: "that's wicked awesome" or "that's wicked pisser." The only real departure you can make from the adjective rule and still be considered a true Masshole is to follow it by swear word verbs like, "i am wicked pissed!" j

smear said...

Ah, and: excellent finds, excellent finds! that field really looks kinda nice. j

smear said...

This still makes me laugh everyday. L, I might need an 8x10. *k