Maybe no one else cares, but did y'all hear that Polaroid has decided to stop producing film? I love the convenience of digital cameras too, but until you can get this kind of image in-camera with one, I say something's missing.
Picture from this flickr page. *L
this photo is beautiful. did you take that?
No, silly, that's why there's a link to the flckr page there. I stole it. I don't even have a polaroid, but I was thinking of buying an old '70s one until I found out about the lack-of-film problem. *L
i didn't know who's flicker page it was. i figured it could be you and yr friends' or something like that. you should go track down gene dinino -- we had about 5 billion cartridges of polariod film at eugene to take pictures of people we weren't gonna let in again. i miss that job and my sweet office. j
i don't have any other friends, but that was generous of you to think.
dude, i wish i could get into that polaroid stash. i would LOVE to see the pics of the eugene rejects too. they must be amazing people. *L
That photo is quite pleasant. And poloroid can go out, as long as Kodak continues to produce film. goooo upstate NY manufactoring plants, wooo hoo!
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