The above is the slender loris. Behold. Relative of the slowloris and is similarly arboreal, nocturnal- it sleeps curled in a ball. I've had a thing for the wonderful slowloris for far too long. We have quite a lot in common: button-cute fur covered ears, we're ganz plucky and sport freakishly strong toes; alas, I had some help.
*Top photo from the Duke Lemur Center
Um, those toe things are truely creepy. I mean, they are probably awesome and i'll probably be wearing them to work by this time next year, but still....
Hehe. They do make your toes strong. I run in them and use them for sailing (they are amazing for sailing). But yes, I do find people staring at my feet. It loses something to say, "my eyes are up here" when it's you know, your feet. ha.
I can't even look at those shoes. I can barely even call them shoes. But I am happy to hear that you have strong toes, K. It's more than I can say for myself. I resemble the slow loris only in that I'm slow. L
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