Actually, it was just a day trip.
So...this happened a month ago, but still. I went kayaking in sea caves! I who can't even swim!
There were sea lions! There was a goddamn blue whale! With a calf! And hundreds and hundreds of dolphins leaping out of the water as far as you could see in all directions (no exaggeration)!
And that was just the boat ride over to the Channel Islands. Then we got in kayaks and: There were awesome sea caves accessible only by boat, starfish the size of your hands, seals with giant whiskers popping up in the middle of our group, tiny baby jellyfish looking awesome in the water right next to our kayaks, baby lobster IN our kayaks, more, more, more!
Seriously, it was one of the greatest things ever. I felt like I flew to some amazing land halfway around the world...but really, it was a 90-minute drive from LA. When I move back here in 3 years and you all come to visit (!!!), we are doing this.
Oh yeah, I didn't take my camera, seeing as how it would get wet, so I stole all these pictures from the website of the awesome company that provided our kayaking guide. I kayaked through that elephant-trunk hole in the second picture. Yahoo!