Thursday, February 10, 2011

NYU Professor's Skull Implanted Camera...

...hurts his kepi. just ouch and interesting.. images are sent projected on screens at a museum in Doha, Qatar. I wonder what attendance looks like (ha) in his class.


Saturday, February 5, 2011

Ice Storm!

Asa took these really cool pictures of a forest by our house where we take the dog all the time. Everything was covered in ice. Quentin loved it. I was working, so didn't get to see the coolness, but I wish I had, because these photos are purdy.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


K, this seems to really speak to your general frustrations with P-land inefficiency... while also featuring Aubrey Plaza from Parks & Recreation, which I watched all of on Netflix when I needed breaks from "Moby Dick." It's a long book.


Searching for Jordan

Ha. Any Jordan apparently, who what? My effort to read about Jordan sacking its cabinet is up there with...